Zip Code:
77380 is a Texas Zip code within the city of Spring and the county of Montgomery County. Its population is roughly 25,761.
The Spring, TX 77380 zip code has a median home value of $172,000 and a median home equity of $103,000. The Spring, TX 77380 zip code has a low home value compared to other zip codes in the area. This may be due to the lower population density in this area or the lack of available properties for sale. The average home price in the Spring, TX 77380 zip code is also lower than the surrounding areas. This could be due to a number of factors including location (close to downtown), size (smaller homes), or age (older homes).
There is no doubt that homeownership is important for economic stability and long-term wealth accumulation. In fact, research shows that homeownership rates are one of the strongest predictors of economic success across generations. While there are many reasons why homeownership rates vary from community to community, one key factor is access to affordable financing. In some cases, low access to affordable financing can be attributed to high levels of debt burden among borrowers or limited availability of mortgage products in certain markets.
In general, homeownership rates have been on the decline for several years now across much of America. This trend may be related in part to increased concerns about housing affordability and debt levels among consumers. However, it’s important to note that not all communities are experiencing similar trends – some areas are seeing more modest declines while others are seeing sharper drops. It will be interesting to see how these trends play out over time as different parts of America continue their journey towards sustainable housing affordability
Price Index: Houston-The Woodlands-Sugar Land, TX
Zipcode | Population | Density | Timezone | Latitude | Longitude | City | County | State |
77386 | 57,421 | 547.6 | America/Chicago | 30.10125 | -95.35584 | Spring | Montgomery County | Texas |
77389 | 38,222 | 702.8 | America/Chicago | 30.11516 | -95.50750 | Spring | Harris County | Texas |
77381 | 36,160 | 1,071.8 | America/Chicago | 30.17818 | -95.50144 | Spring | Montgomery County | Texas |