Zip Code:

77433, Cypress, TX

77433 is a Texas Zip code within the city of Cypress and the county of Harris County. Its population is roughly 90,657.

The Real Estate Market in the 77433 Zip Code of Cypress, TX

The Cypress, TX 77433 zip code has a population of around 102,000 people and is located in Harris County. The median home value in the Cypress, TX 77433 zip code is $271,500 which is about average for the Houston area. The median home equity in the Cypress, TX 77433 zip code is $130,000 which is about average for the Houston area.

There are a lot of factors that go into determining home prices and home equity. Some of these factors include: the current market conditions, how well maintained the property is, what type of neighborhood it's located in, and whether or not there are any recent updates or improvements made to it.

Overall, the Cypress, TX 77433 zip code seems to be doing well when it comes to home values and home equity. This may be due to the fact that there are a lot of new homes being built in this area (which usually leads to higher prices), as well as relatively low levels of foreclosure activity (which tends to lead to stable prices). Additionally, while some neighborhoods may have seen more rapid price appreciation than others over time (due to changes in market conditions or other reasons), overall values seem fairly stable overall.

Price Index: Houston-The Woodlands-Sugar Land, TX

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