Zip Code:

77485, Wallis, TX

77485 is a Texas Zip code within the city of Wallis and the county of Austin County. Its population is roughly 4,627.

The Real Estate Market in Wallis, TX

The 77485 zip code of Wallis, TX is located in the Houston metropolitan area. The median home value in this zip code is $171,000. The home equity index for this zip code is 106.7%. This means that the homes in this zip code are worth 106.7% more than what it would cost to buy them outright. Additionally, the average home price appreciation rate for this zip code over the past five years has been 9.5%. This means that on average, homes in this zip code have increased by 9.5% each year since they were purchased.

One reason why homes in the 77485 zip code are worth so much more than they would cost to purchase outright is because of the high level of home equity indexing within this area. Nearly all of the homes in this zipcode are valued at least partially based on their current market value and not their original purchase price. This means that if you were to sell your home today, it would likely bring you a much higher return than if you had bought it outright five years ago. Additionally, there is a high level of demand for housing within the 77485 zip code due to its close proximity to some of Houston's most popular attractions and businesses. As a result, there is always competition for available properties which drives up prices even further.

Price Index: Houston-The Woodlands-Sugar Land, TX

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