Zip Code:

77494, Katy, TX

77494 is a Texas Zip code within the city of Katy and the county of Fort Bend County. Its population is roughly 118,291.

Katy's Real Estate Market

Home Equity and Home Prices in the 77494 Zip Code of Katy, TX

The 77494 zip code of Katy, TX has a median home value of $153,000. This is lower than the statewide median home value of $205,500. The majority of homes in this zip code are owned by individuals or families. There are also a few properties that are owned by businesses or organizations. The average age of homes in this zip code is around 27 years old.

The average size of homes in this zip code is around 2,700 square feet. The majority of homes in this zip code have three bedrooms and two bathrooms. Around 60% of homes in this zip code have air conditioning and around 40% have heating systems. Around 85% of households in this zip code have cable TV service and about 10% have satellite TV service.

There are a few schools located within the 77494 zip code including Katy Independent School District (KISD), Spring Branch Independent School District (SBISD), and Clear Creek Independent School District (CCISD). KISD has the most students enrolled within its boundaries with over 10,000 students while SBISD has the most students enrolled within its boundaries with over 4,000 students. CCISD has the least number of students enrolled within its boundaries with just under 1,000 students

Price Index: Houston-The Woodlands-Sugar Land, TX

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