Zip Code:

77614, Deweyville, TX

77614 is a Texas Zip code within the city of Deweyville and the county of Newton County. Its population is roughly 265.

The Real Estate Market in the 77614 Zip Code of Deweyville, TX

Home Equity and Home Prices in the 77614 Zip Code of Deweyville, TX

There is no doubt that home equity is one of the most important assets a person can have. It gives people the ability to borrow money against their homes, pay off debt, and invest for the future. In addition, home prices are an important factor in people's lives. They can affect how people feel about their homes, how much they can afford to pay for them, and even how long they will live in them.

According to Zillow®, as of February 2019, the median home value in the 77614 zip code was $212,500. This is a decrease from $223,000 as of December 2018 and $227,500 as of February 2018. However, it is still above the national median home value of $194,200.

The percentage of homes sold in the 77614 zip code that were purchased with cash has decreased over time (from 63% as of December 2018 to 50% as of February 2019). This may be due to stricter lending standards or a general trend towards using more mortgage products instead of cash purchases.

Despite this decrease in cash sales thoughout most parts of America during this time period (due to various factors such as low interest rates), Deweyville still had a higher percentage than most other cities across America when it came to cash sales (50%). This could be due to its lower average price point or because there are more buyers who are comfortable paying with cash.

As far as buying power goes thoughout Deweyville - on average - homeowners have less purchasing power than they did five years ago according to Zillow® data: The homeownership rate has decreased from 81% five years ago down to 78% today according to Census data released last year by HUD1 . This could be due either directly or indirectly (through inflation) to increased costs associated with owning a home such things like property taxes and maintenance costs etc... Additionally there has been an increase in renters over time which could also play into this statistic2 .

Despite these decreases however homeownership rates do vary significantly depending on where you live within America3 so it's important not only look at averages but also consider what specific neighborhoods within Deweyville have homeownership rates close to 80%. For example some neighborhoods within Deweyville have homeownerhip rates around 85-90%, while others hover around 70-75%. So it's definitely worth doing your own research before making any decisions about buying or selling a home!

Price Index: Beaumont-Port Arthur, TX

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