Zip Code:
77803 is a Texas Zip code within the city of Bryan and the county of Brazos County. Its population is roughly 32,946.
Home Equity and Home Prices in the 77803 Zip Code of Bryan, TX
There are a number of factors that affect home equity and home prices. The most important factor is the market conditions. In general, when the economy is strong, more people are able to sell their homes and buy new ones. This leads to an increase in home equity and prices. Conversely, when the economy is weak, fewer people are able to sell their homes and buy new ones, which decreases home equity and prices. Additionally, interest rates play a role in how much money people can borrow against their homes. When interest rates are high, it becomes more difficult for people to borrow money against their homes and therefore they may be less likely to sell or purchase a home. Finally, location also plays a role in determining home equity and prices. A house located in a desirable area will typically have higher values than one located in an undesirable area.
According to Zillow’s recent report on zip codes across the United States with the highest levels of homeownership (ZIP Code Rankings), Bryan’s 77803 zip code ranks #1 out of all zip codes in Texas with a homeownership rate of 82%. This high homeownership rate indicates that there are many families who own their homes outright or who have mortgages that do not require them to pay any monthly payments other than principal and interest (i.e., they have “no-money-down” mortgages). Furthermore, according to Trulia’s report on ZIP Codes with Low Home Values (ZIP Code Rankings), Bryan’s 77803 zip code ranks #2 out of all ZIP Codes in Texas with a median home value of $86k/home – indicating that there is still plenty of room for appreciation within this particular area!
Overall then, it appears that both home equity and prices within the 77803 zip code of Bryan remain relatively stable – providing potential buyers with good opportunities for purchasing or selling homes at fair values!
Price Index: College Station-Bryan, TX
Zipcode | Population | Density | Timezone | Latitude | Longitude | City | County | State |
77802 | 25,621 | 842.3 | America/Chicago | 30.66126 | -96.32265 | Bryan | Brazos County | Texas |