Zip Code:

77855, Flynn, TX

77855 is a Texas Zip code within the city of Flynn and the county of Leon. Its population is roughly 224.

The Real Estate Market in the 77855 Zip Code of Flynn, TX

The Flynn, TX 77855 zip code has a median home value of $164,000 and a median home equity of $101,000. The Flynn zip code is located in the Dallas-Fort Worth metro area and has a population of about 9,500 people.

There are several factors that can affect home prices in any given area. In Flynn, TX, the most significant factors are likely to be demand from buyers and sellers, local economic conditions (including job growth and wage levels), and availability of homes for sale.

Demand for homes in Flynn is likely to be high due to its location within the Dallas-Fort Worth metro area. Over the past few years, Flynn has seen strong job growth (particularly in sectors such as healthcare) which is likely to lead to increased demand for housing. Additionally, Flynn residents typically have higher incomes than residents of many other areas in Texas. As a result, there is likely to be plenty of competition among buyers for available homes in Flynn.

Local economic conditions can also affect home prices in an area. For example, if there are reports of increased crime rates or other problems affecting the local economy then this may lead to decreased demand for homes and lower home values. In Flynn, TX over the past few years there have been no major reports of economic problems that would have affected demand or lowered home values significantly.

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