Zip Code:

78028, Kerrville, TX

78028 is a Texas Zip code within the city of Kerrville and the county of Kerr County. Its population is roughly 39,944.

The Real Estate Market in the 78028 Zip Code of Kerrville, TX

The 78028 zip code of Kerrville, TX has a median home value of $209,900 and a median home equity value of $151,000. The 78028 zip code ranks #1 in the state of Texas for both home values. The 78028 zip code is also one of the most affordable zip codes in the state with a median home value of only $119,500.

There are many factors that contribute to the high home values in the 78028 zip code of Kerrville, TX. One reason is that Kerrville is a popular tourist destination and has a large population of retirees who are looking to downsize and live closer to family and friends. Additionally, Kerrville is located in an affluent area with plenty of jobs and businesses available.

Despite the high home values in the 78028 zip code, there are still many opportunities for homeownership within this area. Homebuyers should be aware that there may be some restrictions on purchasing certain types or sizes of homes due to zoning regulations or other factors. Homeowners should also keep in mind that prices can change rapidly in this area, so it is important to have accurate information about current market conditions before making any decisions about buying or selling a property.

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