Zip Code:

78029, Kerrville, TX

78029 is a Texas Zip code within the city of Kerrville and the county of Kerr County. Its population is roughly 0.

The Real Estate Market in the 78029 Zip Code of Kerrville, TX

The 78029 zip code of Kerrville, TX has a median home value of $151,000 and a median home equity value of $122,000. The 77027 zip code of Kerrville has a median home value of $161,000 and a median home equity value of $128,000. The 78029 zip code is more affordable than the 77027 zip code by about 10%.

There are several factors that may contribute to the higher affordability in the 78029 zip code. First, there are fewer homes for sale in this area than in other parts of Kerrville. This may be due to the popularity of Kerrville as a retirement destination or because there are not enough homes available for purchase within the city limits. Second, many homeowners in the 78029 zip code have taken advantage of low interest rates over the past few years and have been able to increase their equity levels significantly. Finally, many homeowners in this area have been able to secure mortgages with relatively low down payments - which can make purchasing a home more affordable overall.

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