Zip Code:

78242, San Antonio, TX

78242 is a Texas Zip code within the city of San Antonio and the county of Bexar County. Its population is roughly 34,893.

The Real Estate Market in the 78242 Zip Code of San Antonio, TX

Home Equity and Home Prices in the 78242 Zip Code of San Antonio, TX

The 78242 zip code of San Antonio, TX has a median home value of $162,000. This is higher than the national median home value of $161,600. The 78242 zip code also has a median home equity value of $119,000. This is higher than the national median home equity value of $106,200.

There are a number of factors that contribute to the high values in this zip code. First and foremost is the large population size in this area - over 1 million people live within its boundaries. Second is the high demand for housing in San Antonio - as one of the largest and most popular cities in Texas, there is always a demand for homes here. Third is the low rate of foreclosure activity in this area - which means that there are fewer homes available for sale that have been foreclosed on or are currently in foreclosure proceedings.

Despite these high values, it's important to keep in mind that not everyone living in this zip code can afford to purchase a home at these prices. In fact, according to Zillow's 2018 Home Value Index report (which uses data from both public records and surveys), just over half (51%)of households earning less than $50k per year can afford to purchase a home at market rates within this zip code. Additionally, just under one-third (32%)of households earning between $50k-$100k per year can afford to purchase a home at market rates within this zip code. However, just over two-thirds (68%)of households earning more than $100k per year can't afford to purchase a home at market rates within this zip code - meaning that there are plenty of homes available for those who can afford them!

Price Index: San Antonio-New Braunfels, TX

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