Zip Code:

78332, Alice, TX

78332 is a Texas Zip code within the city of Alice and the county of Jim Wells County. Its population is roughly 28,941.

The Real Estate Market in the 78332 Zip Code of Alice, TX.

The 78332 zip code of Alice, TX has a median home value of $101,000. This is significantly lower than the state median home value of $177,500 and the national median home value of $183,700. The primary factors contributing to this disparity are likely the low population density and lack of major metropolitan areas in the area.

Despite these disparities, there are still a number of homeowners in the 78332 zip code who are benefiting from historically high home equity values. In fact, according to Zillow’s 2018 Home Value Report, approximately one-third (33%) of all homeowners in this zip code have equity in their homes that is greater than their total outstanding debt. This is significantly higher than the national average (21%) and even higher than the state average (27%).

While homeownership rates in Alice remain relatively high compared to other areas within Texas, it is important to keep in mind that this does not necessarily mean that everyone living within this zip code is doing well financially. In fact, there are a number of residents who are struggling to make ends meet due to low incomes or stagnant wages. As a result, it may be difficult for them to maintain their current level of home equity if they were to lose their jobs or experience significant financial setbacks.

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