Zip Code:

78526, Brownsville, TX

78526 is a Texas Zip code within the city of Brownsville and the county of Cameron County. Its population is roughly 48,995.

Real Estate in the 78526 Zip Code of Brownsville, TX

Brownsville, TX is located in Cameron County and has a population of around 210,000 people. The median household income in Brownsville is $38,000 which is lower than the national median of $53,046. The unemployment rate in Brownsville is around 8% which is higher than the national unemployment rate of 6%. Home prices in Brownsville have been decreasing over the past few years and are currently below the national average.

The home equity and home prices in the 78526 zip code of Brownsville are reflective of the overall economy in this area. The lower median household income and higher unemployment rates indicate that there are more people who are struggling to afford homes than usual. This trend has been consistent over the past few years and it seems likely to continue for at least another year or two. While there may be some short-term fluctuations due to market conditions, it seems likely that home prices will continue to decline in this area for at least a couple more years.

Price Index: Brownsville-Harlingen, TX

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