Zip Code:
78665 is a Texas Zip code within the city of Round Rock and the county of Williamson County. Its population is roughly 49,074.
Round Rock, TX is located in the 78665 zip code. The median home value in this zip code is $219,900. The home equity in this zip code is $109,700. The average home price appreciation rate for the past year has been 2%.
The 78665 zip code has a population of around 112,000 people. Around 54% of the population are homeowners while 46% of the population are renters. Around 68% of all households in this zip code have at least one person who works full-time and another who works part-time.
There are a total of 36 homes for sale in the 78665 zip code as of July 2019. There are also a total of 114 homes for rent in this same zip code as of July 2019.
The average list price for a home that is currently for sale in the 78665 zip code is $269,950 while the average list price for a home that is currently for rent is $1,090 per month.
Price Index: Austin-Round Rock-Georgetown, TX
Zipcode | Population | Density | Timezone | Latitude | Longitude | City | County | State |
78664 | 64,686 | 1,506.6 | America/Chicago | 30.50479 | -97.64577 | Round Rock | Williamson County | Texas |
78681 | 58,155 | 1,030.7 | America/Chicago | 30.53328 | -97.72470 | Round Rock | Williamson County | Texas |
78717 | 30,657 | 921.6 | America/Chicago | 30.48990 | -97.75398 | Austin | Williamson County | Texas |