Zip Code:

79010, Boys Ranch, TX

79010 is a Texas Zip code within the city of Boys Ranch and the county of Oldham County. Its population is roughly 910.

The Real Estate Market in the 79010 Zip Code of Boys Ranch, TX.

The 79010 zip code of Boys Ranch, TX has a median home value of $128,900. This is a decrease from the previous year when the median home value was $138,500. The decrease in home values can be attributed to a number of factors including low interest rates and increased competition from other areas in the country.

Despite the decrease in home values, homeownership rates in this zip code are still high at 81%. This is likely due to the fact that there are many affordable homes available and also because many people here are able to qualify for low-interest loans. Additionally, there is strong demand for housing due to the large population of military families who live here.

One downside to high homeownership rates in this zip code is that it can lead to increased prices and gentrification. For example, some neighborhoods near military bases have seen an increase in prices as more people want to live close by. However, overall homeownership rates remain high compared to other areas so it’s unlikely that this will become an issue in the future.

Price Index: Amarillo, TX

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