Zip Code:

79012, Bushland, TX

79012 is a Texas Zip code within the city of Bushland and the county of Potter County. Its population is roughly 1,427.

Bushland Real Estate: A Look at the Market

Bushland, TX is located in the 79012 zip code. According to the 2010 census, Bushland has a population of 2,814. The median household income in Bushland is $72,000 and the median family income is $85,000. The percentage of families living below the poverty line in Bushland is 3%.

The average home value in Bushland is $156,500. The percentage of homes that are owned by individuals is 78%, while the percentage of homes that are owned by families is 22%. The percentage of homes that are rented is 12%.

The average mortgage rate in Bushland is 4.5%. The percentage of mortgages that are fixed-rate mortgages is 81%, while the percentage of mortgages that are adjustable-rate mortgages is 19%. The average length of a mortgage in Bushland is 97 months.

Price Index: Amarillo, TX

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