Zip Code:

79096, Wheeler, TX

79096 is a Texas Zip code within the city of Wheeler and the county of Wheeler. Its population is roughly 2,071.

The Real Estate Market in the 79096 Zip Code of Wheeler, TX

The 79096 zip code of Wheeler, TX has a median home value of $101,000 and a median home equity value of $130,000. The homeownership rate in the 79096 zip code is 67.5%. The percentage of households that own their homes outright is 29.4%, while the percentage of households that are mortgage-free is 44.2%. According to Zillow, the average list price per square foot in the 79096 zip code is $137.

Wheeler is located in Williamson County and has a population of approximately 5,500 people. The median household income in Wheeler is $75,000 and the median family income is $92,500. Approximately 28% of households in Wheeler have children under the age of 18 living with them, while 54% of households have adults aged 65 or older living with them. According to Zillow's analysis, Wheeler has an average commute time of 25 minutes and an unemployment rate of 3%.

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