Zip Code:

79226, Clarendon, TX

79226 is a Texas Zip code within the city of Clarendon and the county of Donley. Its population is roughly 2,861.

The Real Estate Market in Clarendon, TX

Clarendon, TX is located in Williamson County and has a population of approximately 30,000. The zip code 79226 has a median household income of $101,000 and a median home value of $225,000. Clarendon is one of the most affluent zip codes in Texas and has seen significant growth over the past few years. In March of 2018, the unemployment rate in Clarendon was 3.5%.

The majority of homes in the 79226 zip code are owned by individuals or couples who have lived there for many years. There are also a number of homes that are being purchased by investors who plan on flipping them quickly for a profit. This high demand and low supply has driven up home prices significantly over the past few years. In March 2018, the average home value in Clarendon was $225,000 which was more than double the average home value from five years ago ($102,500).

Home equity is an important part of many people’s lives and it can be difficult to understand just how valuable it can be. Home equity is what's left after you've paid off your mortgage and all other debts associated with owning your home. Home equity can be used to pay off other loans or investments, cover unexpected expenses or even save for retirement! The fact that home prices have increased so much in Clarendon means that many people now have a lot more equity in their homes than they did before. This gives them plenty of options when it comes to using their home equity – whether that’s paying off debt or investing for future growth!

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