Zip Code:

79314, Bledsoe, TX

79314 is a Texas Zip code within the city of Bledsoe and the county of Cochran. Its population is roughly 40.

The Real Estate Market in the 79314 Zip Code of Bledsoe, TX

The 79314 zip code of Bledsoe, TX has a median home value of $119,000 and a median home equity value of $86,000. The homeownership rate in the 79314 zip code is 67.5%, which is lower than the statewide homeownership rate of 71.4%. The percentage of households that own their homes outright is lower in the 79314 zip code than the statewide average of 63.9%. The percentage of households that are mortgage-free is also lower in the 79314 zip code than the statewide average of 69.8%.

The percentage of families with children under 18 living at home is higher in the 79314 zip code than the statewide average of 62.7%. The percentage of families with children under 18 who are married couples is also higher in the 79314 zip code than the statewide average of 57.9%. The percentage of families with children under 18 who are not married couples is lower in the 79314 zip code than the statewide average of 31.1%.

The median household income in the 79314 zip code is $68,500, which is higher than both the state median household income ($55,617) and national median household income ($53,046). The percentageof households that earn lessthan $30,000 per yearis lowerinthe7 93 14zipcodethanthestateaverageof22.4%andlowerthanthenationalaverageof25.2%.

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