Zip Code:

79360, Seminole, TX

79360 is a Texas Zip code within the city of Seminole and the county of Gaines. Its population is roughly 16,666.

The Real Estate Market in the 79360 Zip Code of Seminole, TX

The Seminole, TX zip code 79360 has a population of approximately 10,000 people. The median household income in this zip code is $50,000. The median home value in this zip code is $135,000.

There has been a significant increase in home equity and home prices in the Seminole, TX zip code over the past few years. In fact, according to Zillow’s Home Value Index, the home value in this zip code has increased by an average of 18% since 2013. This rapid growth is likely due to several factors:

1) The strong economy – Since the recession ended in 2009, the US economy has been on a steady rise and Seminole has benefited from that growth. Jobs have been created and wages have increased which has led to more people being able to afford homes and purchase larger homes.

2) Low interest rates – Interest rates are currently at historic lows which makes it easier for people to borrow money and buy homes. Additionally, there is a large pool of available credit which helps drive up prices even further.

3) Supply & Demand – There is currently a shortage of homes available for sale in Seminole which drives up prices as well as increases demand (since there are fewer houses available for purchase). This situation will continue to be exacerbated by the aforementioned factors until either new housing developments are built or more people move into the area and start buying homes.

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