Zip Code:

79701, Midland, TX

79701 is a Texas Zip code within the city of Midland and the county of Midland County. Its population is roughly 32,219.

The Real Estate Market in Midland, TX

The Midland, TX 79701 zip code has a population of around 120,000 people and is located in the heart of West Texas. The median home value in this zip code is $135,000 which is about average for the area. Home equity in this zip code has been growing at a rate of around 6% annually over the past few years, which is much faster than the national average. This indicates that there are many opportunities for home buyers and sellers in this area.

One reason that home equity growth has been so strong in Midland, TX 79701 is that there are many families who are able to use their homes as collateral for loans. This allows them to get mortgages that they would not be able to get if they did not have access to their homes' equity. Additionally, there are a lot of new businesses and jobs being created in Midland, TX 79701 which means that more people are able to afford homes here.

Price Index: Midland, TX

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