Zip Code:

80303, Boulder, CO

80303 is a Colorado Zip code within the city of Boulder and the county of Boulder County. Its population is roughly 25,081.

The Real Estate Market in the 80303 Zip Code of Boulder, Colorado

Home Equity and Home Prices in the 80303 Zip Code of Boulder, Colorado

The 80303 zip code of Boulder, Colorado has a population of about 106,000 people. The median home value in this zip code is $413,500. This means that the home equity in this zip code is on average $137,500 higher than the median home value in the United States. In addition, the median home price in this zip code has increased by 9% since 2007. This indicates that there is strong demand for homes in this area and that prices are likely to continue to rise.

One reason why prices are likely to continue to rise in the 80303 zip code is because of its strong economy. The unemployment rate here is only 3%, which is much lower than the national average of 5%. Additionally, there are many jobs available here that pay good wages. This means that people who want to buy a home can afford to do so without having to worry about being able to afford monthly payments or having too much debt.

Another reason why prices are likely to continue rising in the 80303 zip code is because there are many new homes being built here. Over the past few years, there have been a lot of new homes being built here, which has led to an increase in demand for homes. In addition, most of these new homes are luxury homes – which means that they cost more money than traditional homes do. As a result, prices for luxury homes have increased more than prices for other types of houses over the past few years.

Price Index: Boulder, CO

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