Zip Code:

80461, Leadville, CO

80461 is a Colorado Zip code within the city of Leadville and the county of Lake. Its population is roughly 7,578.

Leadville's Real Estate Market

Leadville, Colorado is a small town located in the Rocky Mountains. The population of Leadville was just over 10,000 in 2010. The median household income was just over $60,000 and the median home value was just under $200,000. In terms of home equity, Leadville residents have a lot to be proud of! The average home equity in Leadville was almost $100,000 as of 2010. This is a significantly higher level of equity than the national average of around $50,000.

There are several reasons why Leadville residents have so much equity in their homes. First and foremost, Leadville is a very affordable place to live. The cost of living is relatively low compared to other major cities in the United States. Second, there are very few foreclosures or short sales in Leadville. This means that most homes in the area are owned by long-term residents who are able to keep up with their mortgage payments and maintain their home equity levels. Finally, there is a strong demand for housing in Leadville due to its location and amenities. Many people who live in Leadville enjoy skiing at nearby resorts such as Aspen or Vail or hiking and biking trails throughout the area. These factors all contribute to high levels of home equity among leadvillians

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