Zip Code:

80488, Steamboat Springs, CO

80488 is a Colorado Zip code within the city of Steamboat Springs and the county of Routt County. Its population is roughly 311.

The Real Estate Market in the 80488 Zip Code of Steamboat Springs, Colorado

Steamboat Springs, Colorado is located in the 80468 zip code. Home equity and home prices in this area have seen a steady increase over the past few years. In 2017, Steamboat Springs had the highest home equity and home prices of any zip code in Colorado.

According to Zillow, as of September 2018, Steamboat Springs’ median home value was $269,200. This is more than double the median home value of $105,500 for all of Colorado. Additionally, Steamboat Springs’ median home equity was $187,700 – again more than double the statewide median of $87,200.

One reason for this high level of home equity and property values in Steamboat Springs may be its strong economy. The city has seen strong job growth over the past few years and its unemployment rate is below average for Colorado (4%). Additionally, Steamboat Springs has a low cost of living index – making it one of the most affordable places to live in the state.

Despite these positive factors, there are some potential risks associated with buying or owning a property in Steamboat Springs. For example, there may be limited housing inventory available due to high demand from buyers and investors. Additionally, recent changes to local zoning laws could make it difficult for new homeowners to build on their property or add additional rooms onto their house without obtaining additional permits or licenses from the city government.

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