Zip Code:

80521, Fort Collins, CO

80521 is a Colorado Zip code within the city of Fort Collins and the county of Larimer County. Its population is roughly 36,729.

The Real Estate Market in the 80521 Zip Code of Fort Collins, Colorado

The 80521 zip code of Fort Collins, Colorado is home to a population of over 112,000 people. The median household income in the zip code is $71,500, and the median home value is $269,900. Over 60% of homes in the zip code are owner-occupied.

Home equity in the 80521 zip code has been growing at a rate of 6.5% annually since 2013. This growth has been driven by strong job growth and low interest rates. Home prices have also increased at a rate of 5.4% annually since 2013. In addition, there has been an increase in demand for housing due to increasing population and wages in the area.

There are several factors that have contributed to the growth in home equity and home prices in the 80521 zip code over the past few years: strong job growth, low interest rates, and increasing demand for housing due to population and wage growth. These factors will continue to support growth in these areas over the long term as they help households build wealth and increase their purchasing power."

Price Index: Fort Collins, CO

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