Zip Code:

80631, Greeley, CO

80631 is a Colorado Zip code within the city of Greeley and the county of Weld County. Its population is roughly 55,872.

The Real Estate Market in the Greeley, CO 80631 Zip Code

The Greeley, Colorado zip code 80631 has a population of around 112,000 people. The median household income in this zip code is $60,000 which is lower than the national median household income of $53,046. However, the median home value in this zip code is $269,500 which is higher than the national median home value of $217,500. This indicates that there are a lot of homes in this zip code that are worth more than the average American home.

One reason why homes in this zip code are worth more than average is because there are a lot of affluent residents living here. The percentage of households earning over $200,000 annually is above the national average and the percentage of households earning over $250,000 annually is also above the national average. This high level of wealth means that there are a lot of people who can afford to buy a home in this zip code and invest in it to make it more valuable.

Another factor that contributes to high home values in this zip code is the low unemployment rate. The unemployment rate in Greeley was 2.5% as of May 2017 which is lower than both the Colorado state unemployment rate (3%) and the national unemployment rate (4%). This low unemployment rate means that there are plenty of jobs available for people who want them and so people can afford to buy homes even if they don’t have any extra money saved up.

Overall, it seems like there are many reasons why homes in this particular Greeley zip code are worth more than average – both because there are a lot of affluent residents living here and because the economy remains strong enough for people to afford to buy homes even if they don’t have much money saved up. If you're looking for an area where you can afford to live on your own terms and with plenty of room to grow your wealth over time, then consider moving to 80631!

Price Index: Greeley, CO

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