Zip Code:

80863, Woodland Park, CO

80863 is a Colorado Zip code within the city of Woodland Park and the county of Teller County. Its population is roughly 13,034.

Woodland Park's Real Estate Market

Woodland Park, CO is located in the Denver metropolitan area. According to the 2010 census, the population of Woodland Park was 85,835. The median household income was $106,715. Home prices in Woodland Park have increased significantly over the past several years and are now among some of the highest in the Denver metro area.

The 80863 zip code has seen a significant increase in home equity and home prices over the past several years. In 2008, home equity values in this zip code were only slightly higher than average for all of Colorado. However, by 2013 home equity values had increased by more than 50%, reaching an average value of $236,000. Over the same period, home prices also increased by nearly 50%, reaching an average value of $384,500 as of 2013. This rapid growth has placed Woodland Park among some of the most expensive zip codes in Colorado for both home equity and home prices.

One reason for this rapid growth may be that Woodland Park is located within close proximity to many affluent neighborhoods such as Cherry Creek North and Highlands Ranch. Additionally, many new development projects have been underway in Woodland Park over recent years which may also contribute to rising home values andhome equity levels. While there are some concerns that this rapid growth could lead to increasing housing costs beyond what many people can afford or handle financially, it appears that so far these concerns have not materialized into widespread problems..

Price Index: Colorado Springs, CO

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