Zip Code:

81003, Pueblo, CO

81003 is a Colorado Zip code within the city of Pueblo and the county of Pueblo County. Its population is roughly 14,797.

The Real Estate Market in the 81003 Zip Code of Pueblo, Colorado

Home equity is the difference between the market value of a home and what a homeowner owes on their mortgage. In Pueblo, CO, the average home equity was $128,000 in 2016. This means that homeowners had more than enough money left over after they paid off their mortgages and other debts.

The average price of a home in Pueblo increased by 6% from 2015 to 2016. This is likely due to low interest rates and increasing demand for housing in the area. The median home price in Pueblo was $130,000 in 2016. This means that there are a variety of homes available for sale, but not all of them are priced at or above the median value.

Price Index: Pueblo, CO

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