Zip Code:

81401, Montrose, CO

81401 is a Colorado Zip code within the city of Montrose and the county of Montrose County. Its population is roughly 22,534.

The Real Estate Market in the 81401 Zip Code of Montrose, Colorado

Montrose is a small town located in the Denver metropolitan area. According to the 2010 census, the population of Montrose is just over 8,000 people. The median household income in Montrose is just over $75,000, which is higher than the statewide median household income of $55,046. In addition, the homeownership rate in Montrose is just over 83%, which is significantly higher than the statewide homeownership rate of 68%.

One reason why Montrose has such high homeownership rates and incomes may be because there are not a lot of large apartment complexes or other types of housing developments in this town. Instead, most of the homes in Montrose are single-family homes. This makes it easier for people to buy and own homes here.

Another reason why homeownership rates and incomes are high in Montrose may be because there are a lot of wealthy people living here. For example, according to Forbes magazine, there are four billionaires living in Colorado Springs (which is about 30 miles from Montrose). Therefore, it's not surprising that there are a lot of wealthy home buyers and owners in this town.

In addition to wealthy home buyers and owners, another reason why home prices and homeowner rates are high in Montrose may be because there is a lot of demand for housing stock here. For example, according to Zillow's 2016 Home Value Index report (which measures home values across all U.S. cities), Montrose ranks as one of the most expensive cities in America with an average home value of $471K. This means that there is a lot of competition for homes available here - which drives up prices even more!

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