Zip Code:

81416, Delta, CO

81416 is a Colorado Zip code within the city of Delta and the county of Delta. Its population is roughly 14,218.

The Real Estate Market in Delta, Colorado

The 81416 zip code of Delta, Colorado is located in the southeastern corner of the state. The area has a population of just over 21,000 and an average household income of just over $75,000. Home prices in this zip code have increased significantly in recent years, with the median home price reaching $269,500 as of September 2017. This represents a growth rate of almost 20% over the past two years.

One reason for this increase in home prices is that Delta is located near several major metropolitan areas including Denver and Boulder. These areas are magnets for people looking to purchase or rent homes, and their demand has pushed up prices in Delta as well. Additionally, there is strong demand for housing within Delta due to its close proximity to many amenities and businesses.

Despite these factors, there are some potential risks associated with buying or renting a home in the 81416 zip code. One issue is that interest rates are currently very low which could make it difficult to repay a mortgage if interest rates rise later on. Additionally, there may be limited inventory available when someone wants to buy a home, leading to higher prices and longer wait times for buyers.

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