Zip Code:

81432, Ridgway, CO

81432 is a Colorado Zip code within the city of Ridgway and the county of Ouray. Its population is roughly 2,977.

Ridgway's Real Estate Market

Ridgway, Colorado is located in the eastern plains of the United States. The population of Ridgway was 9,924 as of the 2010 census. The median household income in Ridgway was $60,711 in 2010.

The home equity and home prices in Ridgway are reflective of its location and economic stability. Home values have increased steadily over the past five years, with an average increase of 7%. In addition, Ridgway has a low foreclosure rate (1%) and a low unemployment rate (4%). These factors contribute to high home equity levels and stable home prices.

Ridgway's strong economy has resulted in rising home values throughout the 81432 zip code. The average value of a single-family residence is $187,000, which is higher than the national average of $161,500. In addition, Ridgway's median household income is above the national median ($60,711) by almost 20%. This high level of wealth allows homeowners to borrow against their homes at low interest rates and purchase additional property within the same area without having to worry about losing their investment.

Homeownership rates are also high in Ridgeway; approximately 85% of households own their homes compared to 67% nationwide. This strong homeownership rate contributes to stable prices since it takes more effort for someone to sell their house than buy one. Additionally, there is little speculation involved in housing markets since most people who want to buy a house do so through traditional channels such as banks or mortgage companies. This stability makes it easier for buyers and sellers alike and keeps prices from fluctuating too much due to short-term market fluctuations

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