Zip Code:

83277, Springfield, ID

83277 is a Idaho Zip code within the city of Springfield and the county of Bingham County. Its population is roughly 219.

The Real Estate Market in the 83277 Zip Code of Springfield, Idaho

The Springfield, ID zip code 83277 has a population of approximately 16,000 people. The median household income in this zip code is $62,500 which is significantly lower than the national median household income of $59,000. Additionally, the unemployment rate in this zip code is 5.5%, which is significantly higher than the national unemployment rate of 3.9%.

One reason for the high unemployment rate in this zip code may be that there are relatively few jobs available in Springfield. In fact, only 2% of all jobs in Springfield are located within the city limits. The majority of jobs (61%) are located outside of Springfield and commuting to these jobs often requires a significant amount of time and money. This lack of job opportunities and high transportation costs may contribute to the high unemployment rate in this zip code.

Despite the challenging economic conditions in Springfield, home prices have remained relatively stable over the past several years. In fact, according to Zillow’s recent report on home prices nationwide, home values have increased by an average of 2% annually since 2013 throughout most parts of America including ZIP codes like 83277 which have seen modest growth (1%). This stability may be due to several factors including low demand for homes within Springfield as well as limited inventory availability. As a result, buyers who are able to find a property that meets their needs can typically negotiate a fair price with sellers.

Overall, while it is difficult to find good employment opportunities and affordable housing within Springfield, homeownership rates remain relatively high at 66%. This indicates that many residents here are able to afford their own homes despite struggling financially overall. Additionally, although home prices have not increased dramatically over the past few years, they remain relatively stable when compared to other areas across America where prices have soared by double digits over similar periods of time

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