Zip Code:

83327, Fairfield, ID

83327 is a Idaho Zip code within the city of Fairfield and the county of Camas County. Its population is roughly 950.

The Real Estate Market in the 83327 Zip Code of Fairfield, Idaho

The 83327 zip code of Fairfield, Idaho is located in the Treasure Valley region of the state and has a population of around 33,000. The median household income in this zip code is $69,000 which is above the Idaho median household income of $57,500. The home equity and home prices in this zip code are both very high relative to other areas of Idaho.

As of September 2017, the median home value in this zip code was $292,100 which is more than twice the statewide median home value of $128,200 and more than four times the national median home value of $130,000. Additionally, as of September 2017 there were 2,853 homes for sale in this zip code which accounted for 63% of all homes for sale in Idaho. This high level of home availability has driven up the average price per square foot in this zip code to $157 which is significantly higher than both the statewide average price per square foot ($104) and the national average price per square foot ($120).

One reason why the home equity and home prices in this zip code are so high is that Fairfield has a relatively low rate of unemployment compared to other areas of Idaho. As of September 2017 there were only 3% unemployment rates compared to a statewide unemployment rate of 5%. Additionally, Fairfield has a relatively low rateof poverty compared to other areasof Idaho with 11% poverty rates as opposed to a statewide poverty rateof 15%. These factors have ledto an influxof wealthy residentsinto Fairfield who are willingto pay high pricesforpropertiesinthiszipcode.

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