Zip Code:

83639, Marsing, ID

83639 is a Idaho Zip code within the city of Marsing and the county of Owyhee County. Its population is roughly 3,435.

The Real Estate Market in the Marsing, ID 83639 Zip Code

The 83639 zip code of Marsing, ID has a median home value of $128,000. The home equity in this zip code is $60,000. The average home price in the Marsing area has increased by 9% over the past year. This increase can be attributed to an influx of new residents and an increase in demand for housing.

Massing is a small town located about 30 minutes north of Boise on I-84. It has a population of just over 1,000 people and is served by two schools – one elementary and one high school. The economy is based largely on agriculture with potatoes being the primary crop grown here. There are also dairy farms and orchards in the area.

There are several reasons why homeownership rates are higher in Marsing than elsewhere in Idaho. First, there is a lower percentage of renters here than in most other parts of the state – 43% compared to 58%. Second, there is a low level of poverty – just 7% of households live below the poverty line compared to 14% statewide. Finally, there is a strong sense of community – almost half (47%)of households here say they are very satisfied with their community while only 27% say they are somewhat satisfied or dissatisfied with it (compared to 41% statewide). These factors contribute to higher levels of homeownerhip and home equity among residents here.

Price Index: Boise City, ID

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