Zip Code:

83661, Payette, ID

83661 is a Idaho Zip code within the city of Payette and the county of Payette County. Its population is roughly 9,941.

The Real Estate Market in the 83661 Zip Code of Payette, Idaho

The Payette, ID 83661 zip code is located in the Snake River Valley and has a population of just over 2,000 people. The median household income in the 83661 zip code is just over $50,000 and the median home value is just under $200,000. The 83661 zip code has a population that is predominantly white and middle-class.

The Payette area has been growing rapidly in recent years, with new homes being built at a rapid pace. This growth has led to an increase in home equity and home prices in the 83661 zip code. As of August 2017, the median home value was $198,500 and the median home equity was $146,500. These values are up significantly from 2016 when the median home value was $175,000 and the median home equity was $132,500.

There are a number of factors that have contributed to this growth in Payette area homes values. One reason for this growth is that there are many new homes being built in the area which leads to increased demand for housing. Additionally, Payette is located within close proximity to Boise which has led to increased job opportunities and increased incomes for residents of the 83661 zip code. Finally, many residents of Payette are wealthy enough that they are able to invest money into buying homes rather than renting them out which also contributes to rising home values in this area.

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