Zip Code:
83672 is a Idaho Zip code within the city of Weiser and the county of Washington. Its population is roughly 8,328.
The Weiser, ID 83672 zip code has a median home value of $128,000 and a median home equity of $101,000. The zip code has a population of 1,890 people and an average household size of 2.6 people. The median age in the zip code is 36 years old.
There are 1,890 households in the Weiser, ID 83672 zip code. The average household size is 2.6 people and the average family size is 3.1 people. 50% of the households in the Weiser, ID 83672 zip code have children under the age of 18 living with them, which is lower than the national average of 59%. The percentage of married couples in the Weiser, ID 83672 zip code is lower than the national average of 66%.
The percentage of residents that are homeowners in the Weiser, ID 83672 zip code is 68%. The percentage of residents that own their homes outright is lower than the national average of 63%. The percentage that owns their homes with a mortgage is higher than the national average of 58%.
Zipcode | Population | Density | Timezone | Latitude | Longitude | City | County | State |
97914 | 19,400 | 29.3 | America/Boise | 44.11322 | -117.08407 | Ontario | Malheur County | Oregon |
83661 | 9,941 | 16.4 | America/Boise | 44.07776 | -116.70438 | Payette | Payette County | Idaho |
83619 | 7,796 | 92.7 | America/Boise | 43.96730 | -116.91218 | Fruitland | Payette County | Idaho |
83645 | 811 | 0.7 | America/Boise | 44.37087 | -116.58087 | Midvale | Washington | Idaho |