Zip Code:

84075, Syracuse, UT

84075 is a Utah Zip code within the city of Syracuse and the county of Davis County. Its population is roughly 29,411.

The Real Estate Market in the 84075 Zip Code of Syracuse, UT

The 84075 zip code of Syracuse, UT has a median home value of $128,900 and a median home equity value of $101,200. This is higher than the national median home value of $81,500 and the state median home equity value of $77,000. The average price per square foot in this zip code is $92 which is higher than the national average price per square foot of $79.

There are a total of 2,821 homes in the 84075 zip code. The majority (1,902) of these homes are single family homes while there are also a total of 515 multi-family units. There are also a total of 266 condos and townhomes in this zip code. The majority (1,566)of these units are occupied by people who live alone while there are also a total of 234 units that are occupied by people who live with others.

The average age for residents in the 84075 zip code is 36 years old which is older than the national average age for residents at 33 years old and the state average age for residents at 33 years old. There are also a total number of 1,726 adults in this zip code which is more than the national adult population size of 1,730 adults and the state adult population size of 1,611 adults.

Price Index: Ogden-Clearfield, UT

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