Zip Code:

85249, Chandler, AZ

85249 is a Arizona Zip code within the city of Chandler and the county of Maricopa County. Its population is roughly 39,618.

The Real Estate Market in Chandler, AZ

The 85249 zip code of Chandler, Arizona has a population of over 220,000 and is located in the Phoenix metropolitan area. The median home value in this zip code is $205,000 and the median home equity is $128,700. This means that approximately one-third of all homes in this zip code are worth more than their original purchase price.

One reason for the high home equity values in this zip code is the strong economy. Chandler has been one of the fastest-growing cities in Arizona for many years and its economy continues to be strong. Additionally, there are a number of affluent families living in this zip code who have been able to invest wisely over the years and have seen their home equity grow significantly.

Another factor contributing to the high home equity values in this zip code is the low interest rates currently available on mortgages. Since most homes here are worth more than their original purchase price, lenders are not interested in lending money at a higher interest rate. This means that homeowners can get approved for a mortgage at a much lower rate than they would be able to if their home value were lower.

Price Index: Phoenix-Mesa-Chandler, AZ

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