Zip Code:

85282, Tempe, AZ

85282 is a Arizona Zip code within the city of Tempe and the county of Maricopa County. Its population is roughly 55,664.

The Real Estate Market in the 85282 Zip Code of Tempe, AZ

The 85282 zip code of Tempe, AZ has a median home value of $183,000 and a median home equity value of $121,000. The 85282 zip code is located in the Phoenix metropolitan area and has a population of about 277,000 people.

The 85282 zip code has seen an increase in home values over the past five years. In 2012, the median home value was $157,500 and the median home equity value was $106,500. In 2016, the median home value was $183,000 and the median home equity value was $121,000. This indicates that there has been an increase in both the median home value and the median home equity value over this period of time.

One factor that may have contributed to this increase in home values is that there are more homes available for sale in the 85282 zip code than there were five years ago. Additionally, many homeowners who are selling their homes are likely to receive higher prices than they did when they first purchased their homes. This suggests that buyers are willing to pay more for properties in this zip code than they were five years ago.

Another factor that may have contributed to the increase inhome values in the 85282 zip code is inflationary pressure on prices across all markets nationwide. Over time, rising prices can cause a rise inthe Median Home Value (MV) or Median Home Equity (ME) statistic for a given area because more money will be invested into purchasing a house within that ZIP Code compared to other areas within similar price ranges.

Price Index: Phoenix-Mesa-Chandler, AZ

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