Zip Code:

85501, Globe, AZ

85501 is a Arizona Zip code within the city of Globe and the county of Gila County. Its population is roughly 12,805.

The Real Estate Market in Globe, Arizona

Globe, AZ is located in the 85501 zip code. According to the 2016 American Community Survey, the median household income in Globe is $68,811. The median home value in Globe is $236,000. In Globe, there are approximately 1,719 households and 2,903 families residing.

Since 2006 when home prices peaked nationally and in Globe specifically according to Zillow data (see graph below), home values have decreased by about 20%. However during this time period home equity has increased for homeowners by an average of about 28%. This means that homeowners have regained a majority of their original investment but still have some equity left over.

According to Trulia data from January 2018 (see graph below), the median list price for homes in Globe is currently $269,900 which is up from $248,900 as of January 2017. This suggests that there has been an increase of about 7% in the median list price since January 2017.

Looking at Zillow’s Home Price Index report for ZIP codes throughout Arizona shows that as of February 2018 (see graph below), the HOME VALUE INDEX score for ZIP code 85501 was at 95 out of 100 which indicates that it has remained relatively stable over time when compared to other areas within Arizona with a similar population density and housing characteristics such as age range and type of housing stock (single family vs multi-unit).

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