Zip Code:

85541, Payson, AZ

85541 is a Arizona Zip code within the city of Payson and the county of Gila County. Its population is roughly 21,661.

The Real Estate Market in the 85541 Zip Code of Payson, AZ

Home Equity and Home Prices in the 85541 Zip Code of Payson, AZ

The home equity and home prices in the 85541 zip code of Payson, AZ are very high. The median home value in this zip code is $269,000, which is more than double the national median home value of $123,500. The average home value in this zip code is also very high at $291,000. This means that there are a lot of homes in this zip code that are worth a lot of money.

One reason why the home values in this zip code are so high is because there are a lot of wealthy people living in it. The percentage of households earning over $200,000 per year is high here, which means that there are a lot of people who can afford to buy a house here. Additionally, the number of homes that were built between 2000 and 2009 is high here too, which means that there are a lot of new homes being bought and sold each year. This helps to keep the prices high for homes in this zip code.

However, not everyone benefits from these high prices. A lot of people who live in this zip code don't have much money to put down on a house when they first buy it. So often times they have to take out loans to pay for their house and then they have to pay interest on those loans every month. This can really add up over time and make it difficult for them to afford their house or even stay current on their payments.

Overall though, the home equity and home prices in the 85541 zip code of Payson, AZ are very high and they continue to rise each year. If you're looking for an area where you can buy a house that's worth a lot of money then you should definitely check out this area!

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