Zip Code:

85653, Marana, AZ

85653 is a Arizona Zip code within the city of Marana and the county of Pima County. Its population is roughly 19,244.

The Real Estate Market in the 85653 Zip Code of Marana, AZ

Home Equity and Home Prices in the 85653 Zip Code of Marana, AZ

The 85653 zip code of Marana, AZ has a median home value of $212,000. This is a decrease from the median home value of $234,000 in 2007. The average home price in this zip code has decreased by 5.5% since 2007. The percentage decrease in home values is greater than the national average decrease of 3%.

There are several factors that could be contributing to this decrease in home values. One reason could be that there are fewer homes available for sale within this zip code due to the recent recession. Additionally, many homeowners may have taken out mortgages that were not as large as they would like and may now find themselves unable to afford to keep up with their mortgage payments. Finally, some homeowners may have decided to sell their homes because they are relocating or retiring outside of Marana.

Despite these decreases in home values, it is important to remember that Marana still has a high concentration of expensive homes compared to other areas within Arizona. There are approximately twice as many homes with a median value over $300,000 compared to other areas within Arizona and there are also more expensive homes available within this zip code than any other area within Arizona.

Price Index: Tucson, AZ

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