Zip Code:

86314, Prescott Valley, AZ

86314 is a Arizona Zip code within the city of Prescott Valley and the county of Yavapai County. Its population is roughly 39,703.

The Real Estate Market in Prescott Valley, AZ

Prescott Valley, AZ is located in the Phoenix metropolitan area. The zip code 86314 has a population of approximately 41,000 people. Prescott Valley is a suburb of Phoenix and has seen an increase in home prices over the past few years. In 2017, the median home price was $269,900 and the median home equity value was $141,200.

The Prescott Valley area has seen an increase in home prices due to its proximity to major cities such as Phoenix and Scottsdale as well as its low crime rates. The area also benefits from a strong economy with good job opportunities. Home buyers in Prescott Valley can expect to pay more for homes than buyers in other areas of Arizona, but they are likely to receive greater returns on their investment due to the high home values in this area.

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