Zip Code:

87402, Farmington, NM

87402 is a New Mexico Zip code within the city of Farmington and the county of San Juan County. Its population is roughly 10,089.

The Real Estate Market in Farmington, NM

The Farmington, NM zip code of 87402 has a population of approximately 25,000 people and a median household income of $75,000. The average home value in this zip code is $225,000.

Home equity is an important part of the American Dream. Home equity allows families to use their homes as collateral for loans, which can help them purchase other assets or pay off debts. Home prices are also an important factor in the American Dream. Rising home prices allow families to buy more house than they could afford on their own and increase their wealth over time.

There are several factors that affect home values in Farmington, NM. The most important factor is the availability of housing stock. If there are not many houses available for sale in a given area, then the price of those houses will be higher than if there are more houses available for sale. Another important factor is the economy. When the economy is strong, families may be more likely to want to buy a house because they think that the house will appreciate in value over time. However, when the economy is weak families may be less likely to want to buy a house because they think that the house may not appreciate in value over time. Finally, local government regulations can also have an impact on home values in Farmington, NM. For example, zoning laws can limit how many houses can be built or how tall those houses can be so as to preserve historic neighborhoods or reduce traffic congestion

Price Index: Farmington, NM

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