Zip Code:

87801, Socorro, NM

87801 is a New Mexico Zip code within the city of Socorro and the county of Socorro. Its population is roughly 9,373.

The Real Estate Market in Socorro, NM

The Socorro, NM 87801 zip code has a median home value of $92,500 and a median home equity value of $146,000. The Socorro, NM 87801 zip code has a low home ownership rate of 36%. The Socorro, NM 87801 zip code has a high home values relative to incomes. This is likely due to the high demand for homes in the Socorro, NM 87801 zip code and the low availability of homes for sale in the Socorro, NM 87801 zip code.

The Socorro, NM 87801 zip code also has a high home prices relative to rent prices. This is likely due to the high demand for homes in the Socorro, NM 87801 zip code and the limited availability of rental properties in the Socorro, NM 87801 zip code.

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