Zip Code:

88001, Las Cruces, NM

88001 is a New Mexico Zip code within the city of Las Cruces and the county of Do?±a Ana County. Its population is roughly 36,050.

Las Cruces Real Estate: A Look at the 88001 Zip Code

Las Cruces, NM is located in the 88001 zip code. According to the 2010 census, the population of Las Cruces was 97,814. Home equity and home prices in Las Cruces are important factors to consider when looking at purchasing a home.

The average home price in Las Cruces was $101,000 in January of 2016. This is up from $92,500 in January of 2015. The median home price was $85,000 in January of 2016 and has been increasing steadily since 2013. The average monthly payment on a mortgage for a house with an 80K loan would be around $1,050 which would leave you with around $7200 per month after taxes and insurance are paid on your property.

There are many factors that contribute to the increase in home prices including low interest rates and increased demand for housing due to an influx of new residents and workers who have moved to Las Cruces for its affordable cost of living as well as its proximity to Mexico border towns such as El Paso, TX and Ciudad Juarez, MX.

Price Index: Las Cruces, NM

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