Zip Code:

89061, Pahrump, NV

89061 is a Nevada Zip code within the city of Pahrump and the county of Nye County. Its population is roughly 6,160.

The Real Estate Market in the 89061 Zip Code of Pahrump, Nevada

Home Equity and Home Prices in the 89061 Zip Code of Pahrump, NV

The 89061 zip code of Pahrump, Nevada is located in the northwestern part of the state and has a population of just over 10,000. The median home value in this zip code is $128,900 which is significantly lower than the statewide median home value of $276,500. However, when compared to other zip codes within Nevada, the home values are relatively high. For example, the median home value in ZIP code 89436 (the closest zip code to Pahrump) is only $92,700.

There are a number of factors that may contribute to the low home values in this zip code. First and foremost, there are a limited number of homes available for sale which may lead to higher prices being demanded for those homes that do come up for sale. Additionally, there is a high concentration of rental properties in this area which may also contribute to low home values as renters tend not to invest as much money into their homes as homeowners do.

Despite these limitations however, there are still some homeowners who have been able to achieve significant gains in their home equity over time. For example, one homeowner who has lived in her house for over 20 years has seen her equity grow from just under $100k when she first bought it to over $300k today! This demonstrates that even if you live in an area with low home values relative to other areas within Nevada or nationally, it's still possible for your property value to increase significantly if you're patient and diligent about saving for a down payment and keeping up with maintenance costs.

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