Zip Code:

89447, Yerington, NV

89447 is a Nevada Zip code within the city of Yerington and the county of Lyon County. Its population is roughly 7,834.

Real Estate in the 89447 Zip Code of Yerington, Nevada

Home Equity and Home Prices in the 89447 Zip Code of Yerington, NV

The zip code of 89447 in Yerington, Nevada has a median home value of $206,000. The home equity for this zip code is $128,000. This means that the homeowners in this zip code have a total equity of $56,000. This is lower than the national median home equity of $157,500.

There are several factors that could contribute to the lower home equity in this zip code. One reason could be that there are more homes that are worth less than their mortgages than homes that are worth more than their mortgages. Another reason could be that there are more homes that have been foreclosed on than homes that have not been foreclosed on.

Despite these factors, it is still important to understand how home equity works and what it can mean for you if you own a home in this zip code or any other zip code across the country. Home equity can provide you with a cushion should you need to sell your home or use it as collateral for a loan should you need one. Additionally, having some extra money set aside can help you pay down your mortgage faster or save for other important expenses like retirement or children's college tuition

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