Zip Code:

89701, Carson City, NV

89701 is a Nevada Zip code within the city of Carson City and the county of Carson City. Its population is roughly 27,193.

The Real Estate Market in Carson City, Nevada

Home Equity in Carson City, NV

The average home equity in the 89701 zip code of Carson City, NV is $163,000. This is a decrease from the previous year when the average home equity was $167,000. The reason for this decrease may be due to the current market conditions where many people are selling their homes and moving into smaller apartments or condos. Additionally, many people are refinancing their mortgages which can also lead to a decrease in home equity.

Home Prices in Carson City, NV

The average home price in the 89701 zip code of Carson City, NV is $269,500. This is an increase from the previous year when the average home price was $257,500. The reason for this increase may be due to a number of factors including an increase in demand for housing and an influx of new residents into Carson City who are more likely to purchase a house than someone who has been living here for years.

Price Index: Carson City, NV

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