Zip Code:

90063, Los Angeles, CA

90063 is a California Zip code within the city of Los Angeles and the county of Los Angeles County. Its population is roughly 53,980.

The Real Estate Market in the 90063 Zip Code of Los Angeles, CA

The 90063 zip code of Los Angeles, CA has a median home value of $527,000 and a median home equity value of $237,000. The 90063 zip code is one of the most expensive zip codes in the Los Angeles area. This high median home value and equity is likely due to the large number of affluent residents in this area.

In addition to having a high median home value and equity, the 90063 zip code also has a high rate of homeownership. As of 2016, 78% of households in the 90063 zip code were owner-occupied, which is above the citywide average of 67%. This high rate of homeownership may be due to the affluent nature of this area or it may be because there are more affordable homes available in this area than other areas in Los Angeles.

Despite having a high rate of homeownership and a high median home value, there are still some homes for sale in the 90063 zip code. As of May 2017, there were 1,821 active listings in the 90063 zip code compared to 2,914 active listings asof March 2017. This indicates that there are still some homes available for purchase in this area despite its high median home value and equity.

Price Index: Los Angeles-Long Beach-Glendale, CA (MSAD)

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