Zip Code:

90293, Playa Del Rey, CA

90293 is a California Zip code within the city of Playa Del Rey and the county of Los Angeles County. Its population is roughly 12,728.

Real Estate in the 90293 Zip Code of Playa Del Rey, CA

Playa Del Rey is a coastal city located in Los Angeles County, California. It is bordered by the Pacific Ocean to the west and south, and by the Santa Monica Mountains to the north. The city has a population of around 27,000 people and an area of about 1 square mile.

The 90293 zip code covers much of Playa Del Rey, including many affluent neighborhoods such as Westchester, Miramar Beach, and Point Dume. As of 2010, the median home value in this zip code was $1 million. Home values have increased significantly over the past few years due to strong demand from both locals and investors. In fact, according to Zillow’s recent report on California home prices, Playa Del Rey ranked as one of the top 10 most expensive ZIP codes in California (out of more than 900).

One reason for this high demand is that Playa Del Rey is located close to some major metropolitan areas such as Los Angeles and Beverly Hills. Additionally, many luxury homes are located here which makes it an attractive place to live for those who can afford it. Moreover, since there are no major job centers nearby (other than downtown Los Angeles), many residents commute into these cities for work. This means that there is a high demand for housing that can accommodate these types of lifestyles.

Despite these positive factors, there are also some challenges associated with living in Playa Del Rey. For example, traffic congestion can be quite severe during rush hour periods (especially near the 405 freeway), and there is often limited parking availability available near popular destinations such as restaurants and shopping centers. Additionally, because this area is so expensively priced compared to other parts of California (and even other parts of America), it can be difficult for residents to save enough money each month to cover their monthly expenses without resorting to extreme measures (such as working multiple jobs).

Price Index: Los Angeles-Long Beach-Glendale, CA (MSAD)

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